Datasets - cashflow

Article Objective: To assist users in navigating the Active Platform with navigating the cashflow section including using the calculator, posting cashflow journals and generating the audit report. 

Context: Active Ledger & Reporting allows users to post cashflow journals separately and generate associated cashflow reports.  

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article.  


Using the calculator

Select the relevant dataset, navigate to the Cashflow screen and click on the Calculator tab.     

The following fields are required to be filled out to generate the report:


Cashflow Statement TypeYou can select to view direct and indirect cashflow statements. The system defaults to the 'Direct' type.Required
Account TypeFilters the displayed transactions based on where the account originated. There are two options:
  • Account - includes all the transactions within all accounts, including Active Ledger generated reporting accounts
  • Source Account - only includes transactions from accounts imported into the system

Start DateAutomatically populated as the start date of the dataset.Required (must be inside date range of the dataset)
End DateAutomatically populated as the end date of the dataset.
Required (must be inside date range of the dataset)
Show Tree View (checkbox)By selecting this checkbox, it will display accounts in a heading format, splitting out revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity, as well as further breaking down individual accounts under their respective headings. Optional

Once the above sections are filled out accordingly, select Run Report.    

Changing cashflow categories

If you find that an account is not allocated to the correct cashflow category, you can edit the account to manually override the default.  

From the 'Calculator' tab in the 'Cashflow' section, click on the edit icon of the relevant account. For more information on editing accounts, see the knowledge article: Accounts - overview.  

From here, a pop-up screen will appear where you can change account details, including the category.  

Once you have updated the cashflow category, click Save Account. 

This will reallocate the account to the selected position for when the audit report is generated.

Posting cashflow journals

You can create dedicated journals that will only affect the cashflow statement and not the underlying data. This allows you to separate amounts in the movement of an account balance into multiple cashflow categories.  

Navigate to the Cashflow screen, Cashflow Journals and click + New Cashflow Journal.

From here you enter the details of the journal by selecting the Report Line and/or Reconciliation Line from the dropdown menus that the adjustments need to be made to.

If you need some assistance, click on the Insert an Example button. The dropdown contains the three most common scenarios for adjustment. Selecting the relevant example will automatically select the correct Report Lines. Then simply update the figures (by default these are set at $10). 

When you have finalised everything, click the Add Cashflow Journal button.

Generating an audit report

Navigate to the Cashflow screen and click on the Audit Report tab.

The following fields are required to be filled out to generate the report:

Cashflow Statement TypeYou can select to view direct and indirect cashflow statements. The system defaults to the 'Direct' type.Required
Start DateAutomatically populated as the start date of the dataset.Required (must be inside date range of the dataset)
End DateAutomatically populated as the end date of the dataset.
Required (must be inside date range of the dataset)

Once the above sections are filled out accordingly, select Run Report.   

The fields can be expanded to show or hide the detail of the amounts making up each of the line items by using the arrows next to the titles. Any adjustments made by cashflow journals will also be reflected here.

It is also possible to see a specific breakdown of the amounts making up operating activities by clicking on the Reconciliation to Operating Activities tab.

This shows the breakdown, as below. 

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